Wednesday, February 11, 2009

maafkan aku, aku terpakse menjawab..hahaha

01. What’s the last TV show you saw?
* boys before flower which is my current boipren yg jadi hero..agagagaga
* seigi no mikata yg sangat kelaka gile babeng bebeh!..hakhakhak
* gossip girl yg syok utk ditonton sbb berangan menjadi orang kayekaye sprt blair waldorf..wuuuuuu~

02. What are you wearing at the moment?
* tudung pink + diesel shirt + u mobile jacket + blue jeans + socks yg sgt comel + sneakers yg buruk..hikhikhik

03. Favorite Song of the Moment?
* BBF OST [wuwuwu...fall in love again~]

04. What is your favorite scent?
* white musk serte apeape yg tidak membersinkan hidung..hahahaha

05. What’s your occupation? What do you do there?
* aku seorang kuli.tugasan kuli adelah melaksanakan suruhan bos!serta mencuri mese berehatrehat..hahaha

06. What do you drink the most?
* plain water cukop..

07. What is your favorite restaurant?
* oo i really love fooooooods..bawa saje kemanemane kecuali kedai mamak yang bebulu lebat..uiiii~kahkahkah

08. What will you be doing after finishing this?
* going to kl convenient store..hehehe

09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
ahh byk citecite ku...
* aku pnh becitecite nk jadi dokter sbb family aku suruh.eii xbest betol la mainmain kotoran..hahahaha [sesiape dokter jgn terase.tugasmu murni.kecuali anak sedare aku yg buncit tu langsung xmurni!wahahaha]
* nk jadi pm sbb rase sgt bekuase..hahahaha
* nk jadi pilot sbb kononkonon hebat la bile org tnye dpt jawab "aku pilot"..kahkahkah..tah hapehape
* nk jadi optometrist sbb nk spek freeeee
* tapi citecite aku yg takpernah pudar is nak jadi bini org kaye sbb aku nk bukak butik + spa + salon..hahahaha

10. Your favorite romantic movie?
* penat aku pk tp tak igt tajuknye ape..hikhikhik

11. What’s the least favorite thing about yourself?
* kadangkadang aku boleh menjadi org yang aneh???

13. What are your ideal qualities in a novel?
* Good writing - meaning prose that I want to learn by heart, that makes me gasp, that perfectly conveys what the writer wants to say and voices that fit the characters speaking them
* Good characters - meaning characters who come alive in my head, leap off the page, so to say, who are original and whole and deep and moulded.
* Good story - a story doesn’t have to have much of a plot, but it has to be worth telling
[ini tiru shasha sbijiksbijik sbb malas nk pk..hahaha]

*** yes sha, lisa kleypass is a very talented writer.. ***

14. What time do you usually go to bed?
* akulah cinderella!mesti la 12 am kalau x katil aku jadi labuuuu..hahahaha

15. What’s the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
* farah - tu mmg name aku la weyy..
* farahMcKay - name glamer aku bile dpt jadi pelakon hollywood..hikhikhik
* paah - org utare suke pgl aku ni.ntah la nape.bkn sedap pon.tapi aku reda je..hahaha
* yayah - wuu ini spesel utk budak kecik je sbb dorg pelat nk sebut farah kot

16. How many people will you send this to?
* semua yg aku link..hikhik.pemalas nk tulis namename org


  1. aku pn nk jd bini org kaye jgk..ahaha

  2. hahaha..sape yg xmo jadi bini org kaye adelah tidak normal same sekali..kahkahkah..oleh itu kite adelah insan normal che' pa..hahahaha

  3. hahaha kamu mmg minah berangan no.1 ...

  4. org kate ade anganangan yg jadi kenyataan..itula harapan aku..kahkahkah

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